IDeATe Course Sites
The IDeATe Network at Carnegie Mellon University provides opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration through courses and space. A sampling of our public-facing course sites are below, for reference to syllabi and documentation.
Spring 2025
- 15-661 A4 Interaction and Expression using the Pausch Bridge Lighting
- 16-224 Re-Crafting Computational Thinking with Soft Technologies
- 16-376 IDeATe: Kinetic Fabrics
- 16-480 IDeATe: Creative Soft Robotics
- 53-330 IDeATe: Inflatables
- 60-223 IDeATe: Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-150 A IDeATe Portal: Introduction to Textile Media
- 99-352 A3 IDeATe Micro: Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A3/B3 IDeATe Micro: Introduction to Arduino
- 99-361 C IDeATe Portal: Garment Patterning, Construction, and Experimentation
Fall 2024
- 16-223 Creative Kinetic Systems
- 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 48-734 Possibilistic Design
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-362 Electronic Logics && Creative Practice
- 99-355 A1/A2 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
2023-2024 Academic Year
Fall 2023
2022-2023 Academic Year
Fall 2022
- 09-212 Special Topics: The Culture of Color: Dyes, Chemistry and Sustainability
- 15-104 Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice
- 16-223 Creative Kinetic Systems
- 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 53-320 A1 IDeATe Special Topics in Animation: Character Modeling
- 53-341/741 Distributed Game Studio: Game Art Pipeline
- 53-353 Understanding Game Engines
- 53-451/751 Research Issues in Game Development: Designing for XR
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 60-461/761 Experimental Capture
- 62-150 A Introduction to Media Synthesis and Analysis: Introduction to Textile Media
- 62-362 Electronic Logics && Creative Practice
- 99-352 A1 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A1/A2 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
Spring 2023
- 15-322/622 Introduction to Computer Music
- 15/62-661 A4 Interaction and Expression using Pausch Bridge Lighting
- 16-376 Kinetic Fabrics
- 16-480 IDeATe Special Topics: Creative Robotics
- 53-472/672 Advanced Game Studio
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-150 A Introduction to Media Synthesis and Analysis: Introduction to Textile Media
- 62-830/93-430/830 Disruptive Technologies in Arts Enterprises
- 99-352 A3 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A3/B3 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
- 99-361 A IDeATe Portal: Inflatables and Soft Sculpture
Summer 2023
2021-2022 Academic Year
Fall 2021
- 15-104 Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice
- 16-223 Creative Kinetic Systems
- 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 53-353 Understanding Game Engines
- 53-451/751 Research Issues in Game Development: Designing for XR
- 53-558 Reality Computing Studio I
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-150 A Introduction to Media Synthesis and Analysis: Introduction to Textile Media
- 62-362 Electronic Logics && Creative Practice
- 82-288 A2 Everyday Learning: Designing Learning Experiences in Times of Unrest & Uncertainty
- 99-352 A1 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A1/A2 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
Spring 2022
- 15-322/622 Introduction to Computer Music
- 15/62-661 A4 Interaction and Expression using Pausch Bridge Lighting
- 16-376 Kinetic Fabrics
- 16-480 IDeATe Special Topics: Creative Robotics
- 48-339/739 Making Things Interactive
- 53-472/672 Advanced Game Studio
- 60-212 Electronic Media Studio: Interactivity and Computation for Creative Practice
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-830/93-430/830 Disruptive Technologies in Arts Enterprises
- 99-352 A3 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A3/B3 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
- 99-361 A IDeATe Portal: Inflatables and Soft Sculpture
Summer 2022
2020-2021 Academic Year
Fall 2020
- 15-104 Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice
- 16-223 Creative Kinetic Systems
- 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 48-339/739 Making Things Interactive
- 53-353 Understanding Game Engines
- 53-451/751 Research Issues in Game Development
- 53/48-558 Reality Computing Studio I
- 60-212 Electronic Media Studio: Interactivity and Computation for Creative Practice
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-150 A Introduction to Media Synthesis and Analysis: Introduction to Textile Media
- 62-362 Electronic Logics && Creative Practice
- 99-352 A1 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A1/A2 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
Spring 2021
- 12-030 IDeATe Special Topics: Responsive Structures
- 15-322/622 Introduction to Computer Music
- 15/62-661 A4 Interaction and Expression using Pausch Bridge Lighting
- 16-376 Kinetic Fabrics
- 16-480 IDeATe Special Topics: Creative Robotics
- 39-245 Rapid Prototype Design
- 53-471/671 Game Design, Prototyping, and Production
- 53-472/672 Advanced Game Studio
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-830/93-430/830 Disruptive Technologies in Arts Enterprises
- 99-352 A3 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A3/B3 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
- 99-361 A IDeATe Portal: Inflatables and Soft Sculpture
Summer 2021
2019-2020 Academic Year
Fall 2019
- 15-104 Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice
- 15-322/622 Introduction to Computer Music
- 16-223 Creative Kinetic Systems
- 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 18-090 Twisted Signals: Multimedia Processing for the Arts
- 48-339/739 Making Things Interactive
- 53-353 Understanding Game Engines
- 53-451/751 Research Issues in Game Development
- 53/48-558 Reality Computing Studio I
- 57-421/821 Exploded Ensemble
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-150 A Introduction to Media Synthesis and Analysis: Introduction to Textile Media
- 62-362 Activating the Body: Physical Computing and Technology in Performance
- 99-352 A1 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A1/A2 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
Spring 2020
- 12-030 IDeATe Special Topics: Responsive Structures
- 16-376 Kinetic Fabrics
- 16-455/48-530 Human-Machine Virtuosity
- 39-245 Rapid Prototype Design
- 53-471/671 Game Design, Prototyping, and Production
- 53-472/672 Advanced Game Studio
- 53/48-559 Reality Computing Studio II
- 57-344/60-407 Experimental Sound Synthesis
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 60-424 Experience Machine
- 60-461/761 Experimental Capture
- 99-352 A3 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A3/B3 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
- 99-361 A IDeATe Portal: Inflatables and Soft Sculpture
Summer 2020
2018-2019 Academic Year
Fall 2018
- 15-104 Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice
- 15-322/622 Introduction to Computer Music
- 16-223 Creative Kinetic Systems
- 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 18-090 Twisted Signals: Multimedia Processing for the Arts
- 53-353 Understanding Game Engines
- 53-451/751 Research Issues in Game Development
- 53/48-558 Reality Computing Studio I
- 57-421/821 Exploded Ensemble
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 60-419 Experimental Game Design: Playspaces
- 62-150 A Introduction to Media Synthesis and Analysis: Introduction to Textile Media
- 99-352 A1 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A1/A2 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
- 99-358 A1/A2 IDeATe Intro to the Unity Game Engine
- 99-360 A2 IDeATe E-Textiles
Spring 2019
- 05-418 Design Educational Games
- 16-376 Kinetic Fabrics
- 16-455/48-530 Human-Machine Virtuosity
- 24-672 Special Topics in DIY Design and Fabrication
- 39-245 Rapid Prototype Design
- 53-471/671 Game Design, Prototyping, and Production
- 53-472/672 Advanced Game Studio
- 53/48-559 Reality Computing Studio II
- 57-344/60-407 Experimental Sound Synthesis
- 57-421/821 Exploded Ensemble
- 57-425/825 Expanded Music Performance
- 60-125 IDeATe: Introduction to 3D Animation
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 99-352 A3 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-355 A3/B3 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
- 99-360 A3 IDeATe E-Textiles
- 99-361 A IDeATe Portal: Inflatables and Soft Sculpture
2017-2018 Academic Year
Fall 2017
- 15-104 Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice
- 15-322/622 Introduction to Computer Music
- 16-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 16-456/48-558 Reality Computing
- 18-090 Twisted Signals: Multimedia Processing for the Arts
- 48-734 Reactive Spaces for Media Architecture
- 53-451/751 Research Issues in Game Development
- 57-421/821 The Exploded Ensemble
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 62-478 A1/A2 digiTOOL
- 99-352 A1/A2 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-353 A1/A2 IDeATe Solidworks and Laser Cutting
Spring 2018
- 16-374/60-428 Art of Robotic Special Effects
- 16-455/48-530 Human-Machine Virtuosity
- 39-245 Rapid Prototype Design
- 48-339/739 Making Things Interactive
- 48-528 Responsive Mobile Environments
- 53-399 Advanced Game Studio
- 53/48-559 Reality Computing II
- 57-344/60-407 Experimental Sound Synthesis
- 57-421/821 Exploded Ensemble
- 57-425/825 Expanded Music Performance
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 99-352 A3/B3 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-353 A3 IDeATe Solidworks and Laser Cutting
- 99-353 B3 IDeATe Solidworks and Laser Cutting
- 99-355 A3/B3 IDeATe Introduction to Arduino
- 99-360 A3/B3 IDeATe E-Textiles
- 99-361 A IDeATe Portal: Inflatables and Soft Sculpture
- 99-361 B IDeATe Portal: Intelligent Environments
- 99-361 C IDeATe Portal: Storytelling with Machines
2016-2017 Academic Year
Fall 2016
- 05-291 Learning Media Design
- 05-823 E-Learning Design Principles
- 15-104 Intro to Computing for Creative Practice
- 15-294 A1/A2 Rapid Prototyping Technologies
- 15-322/622 Intro to Computer Music
- 15-463 Computational Photography
- 16-223 Intro to Physical Computing
- 16-375/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 18-090 Twisted Signals
- 24-672 DIY Design and Fabrication
- 49-300 Integrative Product Conceptualization
- 54-498/60-446 Expanded Theater
- 57-421/821 The Exploded Ensemble
- 60-212 Interactivity and Computation
- 60-223 Intro to Physical Computing
- 60-333 Character Rigging for Production
- 62-150 Intro to Media Synthesis and Analysis
- 62-478 A1/A2 digiTOOL
- 99-352 A2 IDeATe Soft Skills Fabrication
- 99-355 A2 Introduction to Arduino
Spring 2017
- 05-292 Learning Media Methods
- 05-748 Research Methods for the Learning Sciences
- 15-323/623 Computer Music Systems and Information Processing
- 15-365/60-422 Experimental Animation
- 15-394 A3/A4 Intermediate Rapid Prototyping
- 16-374/60-428 Art of Robotic Special Effects
- 16-455/48-530 Human-Machine Virtuosity
- 16-457/48-559 Reality Computing II
- 39-245 Rapid Prototype Design
- 48-390 Physical Computing Studio
- 48-528 Responsive Mobile Environments
- 48-739 Making Things Interactive
- 53-230 Programming for Game Designers
- 57-344/60-407 Experimental Sound Synthesis
- 57-421/821 Exploded Ensemble
- 57-425/825 Expanded Music Performance
- 60-461 Experimental Capture
- 62-478 A3/A4 digiTOOL
- 99-352 A3/A4 IDeATe Soft Fabrication Skills
- 99-353 A3/A4 IDeATe Solidworks and Laser Cutting
- 99-354 A3/A4 IDeATe Machine Shop, Lathe, Mill, Metrology
- 99-355 A3/A4 Introduction to Arduino
2015-2016 Academic Year
Fall 2015
- 05-291 Learning Media Design
- 05-823 E-Learning Design Principles
- 15-104/60-212 Intro to Computing for Creative Practice
- 16-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
- 16-375 Robotics for Creative Practice
- 16-456/48-558 Reality Computing
- 18-090 Digital Media Interactions: Signal Processing for the Arts
- 24-672 DIY Design and Fabrication
- 54-498/798/60-446/746 Expanded Theater
- 60-210 Electronic Media Studio: Introduction to Interactivity
- 60-223 Introduction to Physical Computing
Spring 2016
- 05-292 Learning Media Methods
- 15-294 A3/A4 Rapid Prototyping Technologies
- 16-457/48-559 Reality Computing II: Design Realization
- 48-390 Physical Computing Studio
- 48-528 Responsive Mobile Environments – Mars Studio
- 57-344 Experimental Sound Synthesis
- 99-352 IDeATe Soft Skills Fabrication
- 99-355 A4 Introduction to Arduino