IDeATe Lending Collection & Office
The IDeATe Lending Office in Hunt A29 has an extensive collection of equipment that can be browsed via the University Libriaries Catalog—here's a direct link to the IDeATe Lending Collection. Borrowers must have their Carnegie Mellon ID card ready to present when borrowing an item. You can also view our complete equipment inventory here.
The IDeATe Lending Collection is a university-wide resource consisting of audio/video, photographic, and sound recording devices such as digital cameras, video recorders, microphones, and projectors. Items are designed to support the entire Carnegie Mellon University campus community and may be borrowed by any students, faculty, and staff at Carnegie Mellon’s main Pittsburgh campus.
The IDeATe Lending Office is located in the basement of Hunt Library directly across from the elevator, in room A29. Check the current hours.