Carnegie Mellon University


Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

IDeATe Lending Collection Circulation Policy

Borrowing from the IDeATe Lending Collection comes with the responsibility to respect these resources, and an understanding that the equipment you are using now may be of great importance to whomever is waiting to use it next. When you borrow items from this Collection, you are accepting the borrowing responsibilities outlined below. Please be kind and mindful when borrowing from this Collection.

If you have questions about the IDeATe Lending Collection Circulation Policy or about any IDeATe charge on your student account, please email

The equipment in the IDeATe Lending Collection is primarily intended for use related to classes and activities held at Carnegie Mellon University’s main Pittsburgh campus. All of the equipment must be on-hand and reasonably available for these educational needs. Therefore, we do not condone nor do we support the loan of equipment for personal, off-campus projects. There are risks of late return, physical damage, and total loss when equipment leaves campus, and these risks are even greater when traveling.

Borrowing an item for another person under your Andrew ID is not permitted. We understand that in the spirit of collaboration, it’s compelling to want to help others. Please know that it is solely your responsibility to make sure any item borrowed under your Andrew ID is returned safely on time. Any late fees or replacement costs incurred on an item while checked out under your Andrew ID will be billed against you, regardless of who is in possession of it at the time. Note that, in compliance with the ID Card Terms of Use, borrowers must have their own Carnegie Mellon ID card ready to present when borrowing items.

It’s expected that you read any borrower notifications sent to your Andrew email. When you borrow an item, you’ll be notified of pending due dates and overdue notices via automatic emails to your Andrew email account. Because these notifications contain time-sensitive material, it’s important to read and be aware of your due dates to avoid potential late return fees. If you are not receiving these emails, notify immediately.

Once you borrow an item, you are responsible for its safe-keeping until you return it. Do not leave borrowed equipment unattended. Leaving an item out in the open increases the risk of misplacement or theft. If items are found unattended, the borrower will be notified. The act of leaving an item unattended could be considered an infraction of the IDeATe Lending Collection Circulation Policy and can result in late fees and/or suspension of borrowing privileges.

You are responsible for your own data. Any media, data, and/or documents that you create or save to our equipment or removable media storage devices may be permanently erased without notice after the equipment has been returned to us.

Return borrowed items to the IDeATe Lending Office by the due date and time provided. When you borrow an item, the details of that transaction will automatically be sent to your Andrew email. Details include the item description, the due date and time, and a link to the Lending Office’s hours of operation. If you missed the email, or find anything in the email that you do not understand, did not borrow, etc., ask a Lending Office attendant or email

All equipment must be returned directly to IDeATe Lending Office staff in Hunt A29. Do not attempt to return items using any University Libraries location or dropbox, and do not leave items unattended at any time.

If you need to request an extension of your due date, we’d like to help. A limited number of online renewals are available using the online account system. Online renewals can be made 24/7, beginning as early as the day before an item’s due date, and are subject to availability. Late items cannot be renewed. A normal extension is the same additional length as the original borrowing period, as long as there are no reserves or holds on the items (in which case the original due date still applies).

If you have an exceptional circumstance, please plan ahead. For renewal requests beyond our standard online renewal procedures, email at least one business day prior to your due date (Monday–Friday before 3pm) to request a longer extension. All requests are subject to approval and availability.

Lending Office staff may opt to decline to accept return of equipment that is missing parts, tags, peripherals, etc. If you make an incomplete return of equipment, be aware that you may still be charged for any missing or damaged parts upon review by IDeATe staff. When you borrow items, you are responsible for alerting Lending Office staff if anything is missing from the items you borrow before you leave the Lending Office. The tag attached to the carrying case of each kit provides a photographic inventory for your reference.

Infractions of the IDeATe Lending Collection Circulation Policy can result in a prolonged suspension of borrowing privileges. Suspensions of borrowing privileges may also affect your ability to borrow from University Libraries, if applicable. If your borrowing privileges have been suspended and you wish to reactivate them, please email to submit a written petition. In your petition, please explain the circumstances leading up to your suspension and indicate that you have reviewed and understand the relevant policy. The IDeATe staff will meet with University Libraries staff to review your petition and will reply with a resolution.

An overdue item from the IDeATe Lending Collection incurs a daily late fee. An automatic alert will be sent to your Andrew email when your item becomes overdue and starts incurring a fee. It is best to take action right away if you get such a notice. You will continue to get notifications until the item is returned. 

See fine and fee table below.

A replacement fee will be charged if an item is not returned at all and/or an item is returned broken or missing parts. When you borrow equipment or supplies from the IDeATe Lending Collection, you are responsible for taking care of it. If you have lost or broken a piece of equipment, you will be responsible for the cost of repairs or replacement. However, we understand that sometimes accidents happen, in which case we ask that you promptly write to to explain the situation. Depending on the circumstance and level of damage, we may be able to work on a solution with you.

If you fail to return an item within 14 days of its due date, and you take no other action to resolve the issue with IDeATe, we may charge a replacement fee.These fees reflect IDeATe’s cost of replacing the missing item. Please understand that when something doesn’t come back, IDeATe needs to buy a replacement so other members of the university community can use that item. 

See fine and fee table below.

For students who accrue fees, we will submit charges to student accounts on a regular basis.

Faculty and staff who accrue late fees must provide an Oracle account number upon request for internal billing.

Fines & Fees


$1-$25/day (see below)

Current acquisitions cost charged at 14 days overdue.
$1000 and up - $25/D
$750 and above - $20/D
$500 and above - $15/D
$250 and above - $10/D
$100 and above - $5/D
$50 and above - $3/D
$1 minimum per day
If you have questions about the IDeATe Lending Collection Circulation Policy or about any IDeATe charge on your student account, please email