Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

November 21, 2014

Integrative Media Program Highlighted in Harvard Business Review

Carnegie Mellon's new Integrative Media Program was recently highlighted in the Harvard Business Review blog. In their article, "The Rise of Urban Innovation Districts," Bruce Katz and Julie Wagner of the Brookings Institution write, "Other innovation districts are developing in Boston, Brooklyn, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco, and Seattle. Former industrial and warehouse areas are undergoing a renaissance, powered by their enviable location along transit lines, proximity to downtowns and waterfronts, and recent additions of advanced institutions. (Note, for example, Carnegie Mellon University’s decision to place its Integrative Media Program at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.)"

The article also lauds Pittsburgh as one of the new "innovation districts," which allow tech firms access to diverse ecosystems, research institutions, talent, and regional specializations. The full piece can be found on the Harvard Business Review site.