Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

Daragh Byrne

July 16, 2015

IDeATe Faculty Daragh Byrne Named as 2015-2016 Wimmer Faculty Fellow

Daragh Byrne, Intel Special Faculty with IDeATe and the School of Architecture, has recently been named as one of the 2015-2016 Wimmer Faculty Fellows. Byrne will work with a consultant from the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation on the IDeATe gallery, an online platform that he created to support learning in IDeATe courses. Through the Wimmer Fellowship, Byrne will be exploring the use of the gallery's documentation and how it shapes students' learning in collaborative courses. From the Wimmer website:

Through making and makerspaces, CMU’s Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology (IDeATe) Network connects students from across diverse disciplines via collaborative design experiences. As a Wimmer Fellow, Daragh is iterating on the “IDeATe Gallery,” an online platform he created to support learning between class meetings. Students use the IDeATe Gallery to document their tech-arts project prototypes as well to give and receive peer feedback their work. The Gallery allows Daragh to monitor the progression of student work and adjust his classroom teaching accordingly. Additionally, students can explore their peers’ work and ideas, absent the time limitations imposed by face-to-face studio critiques. Daragh is collaborating with Eberly colleagues on the pedagogical implementation of this technology across four courses to support students’ development of critique and communication skills. His work includes creating a rubric to measure changes in students’ critique skills in the IDeATe Gallery in response to different pedagogical interventions.

Byrne joins a prestigious roster of Wimmer Faculty Fellows for the 2015-2016 year:

  • Ricky Law, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Molly McCarter, Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Drama, College of Fine Arts
  • Constantine (Costa) Samaras, Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology
  • Bryan Webler, Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology

Congratulations to Professor Byrne and all of the Wimmer Faculty Fellows!