Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

CMU Arch

June 15, 2015

CMU Featured During White House “Week of Making”

Responding to President Obama’s 2014 call to action to create a “Nation of Makers,” Carnegie Mellon University has put Maker education at the heart of its strategies to enhance student experiences in creativity, technology, culture and entrepreneurship.

As part of the White House’s first Week of Making, June 12–18, CMU is releasing a national trend report on Making in higher education, and students and faculty are showcasing their work at the National Maker Faire in Washington, D.C.

The university’s deep roots in the Maker culture stem from its founding as a technical trade school for the children of steelworkers, and work by Lee Weiss of CMU’s Robotics Institute in the 1990s laid the foundation for modern 3-D printing technology.

For the full report of CMU's participation in the Week of Making, please visit CMU News.