Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

May 15, 2018

IDeATe Senior Reception + IDeATe Events Committee Forming + Stay in Touch After Commencement

It's almost over! Carnegie Mellon's Class of 2018 will soon be donning caps and gowns and receiving their hard-earned diplomas. A couple of the IDeATe students would like to get everyone together for a bit before the Commencement Weekend festivities begin. If you are graduating with an IDeATe minor or if you otherwise consider yourself to be part of IDeATe, make one more stop in the Hunt Library basement on Friday, May 18th at 3:30 p.m. We'll have food, tassel charms, and camaraderie. Dress snazzy if you can!

A number of students and faculty have recommended that IDeATe host some regular get-togethers that would strengthen our community. It's a fantastic idea and one that would strongly benefit from student input. IDeATe would like to assemble a team of students who, with the support of the staff, will propose, organize, and promote a small number of events throughout the academic year. If you are interested, please contact Kelly Delaney.