Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

Flyer for FrIDeATe event featuring Fusion360 workshop

October 01, 2018

Electronic Arts Visit + Fusion360 Workshop at First FrIDeATe + Lectures at the STUDIO + Forensic Architecture + Amazon AR/VR Challenge

Artists Using Technology as a Medium and Game Industry Professionals

This new month brings you several opportunities to hear from creative people working in technology as an art form, an "in" with game industry professionals, and a student-led workshop on Fusion360 for First FrIDeATe

First FrIDeATe

First FrIDeATe flyer depicting information on the Fusion360 workshopThe October edition of First FrIDeATe is this Friday, October 5th at 4:30 p.m. in the IDeATe Fabrication Lab (Hunt Library A5). One of your fellow IDeATe students, Samantha Ho, is a Catalyst with Autodesk this year and has proposed a Fusion360 workshop. In addition to the standard FrIDeATe food and hanging out, Samantha will lead an overview of different uses for this software. Increasingly, both academia and industry are seeking people with "interdisciplinary skillsets" and "design" thinking. Unfortunately, because of this, these words vary in meaning depending on context. Join us on Friday to learn how to integrate human-centered problem solving with your existing toolkit as well as how Autodesk software can help you do so. Bring your laptops! More info at

Amazon Sumerian AR/VR Challenge

Amazon has just launched the Amazon Sumerian Challenge, an online competition to create and publish AR, VR, and immersive apps using Amazon Sumerian's browser-based IDE. Participants will have a chance at over $100,000 in cash and prizes. Learn more at

Comedy Central Animated Shorts Program

Comedy Central has just announced their new Animated Shorts Program. This initiative is designed for creators to submit short form animated ideas directly to the network with the potential to sign a development deal. Guidelines and submission portal are available here. Deadline to submit is December 31, 2018.

Electronic Arts Game Panel

Flyer for Electronic Arts Panel depicting athletes and information on attendeesThursday, October 4th at 4:00 p.m., representatives from EA will be in IDeATe Studio B to offer food, prizes, and information about open positions at the company.

Steiner Lecture in Creative Inquiry: Claudia Hart and Memo Akten

Image of work by Claudia Hart depicting yellow figures, one human, one animal, slumped on each otherBe sure to stop over to the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry this week to hear from artists who work with AR/VR and computation as their mediums. Claudia Hart will deliver a lecture on Wednesday, October 3rd at 5:00 p.m.  Memo Akten will follow on Monday, October 8th at 5:00 p.m. For more information, visit

Alan H. Rider Distinguished Lecture: Eyal Weizman of Forensic Architecture

Still from Eyal Weizman work appears to depict plan of a cityTuesday, October 9th at 5:00 p.m., Eyal Weizman of Forensic Architecture will give a lecture presentation in Kresge Theatre (College of Fine Arts). Forensic Architecture undertakes advanced architectural and media research, modeling dynamic events as they unfold in space and time, on behalf of international prosecutors, human rights organizations, and political and environmental justice groups. FA is a research agency based at Goldsmiths, University of London, and includes architects, filmmakers, software developers, investigative journalists, lawyers, and scientists.

Eyal Weizman is an architect, Professor of Spatial and Visual Cultures, and Director of Forensic Architecture. He is a founding member of the architectural collective DAAR in Beit Sahour/Palestine. His books include Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability (2017), The Conflict Shoreline (with Fazal Sheikh, 2015), FORENSIS (with Anselm Franke, 2014), Mengele’s Skull (with Thomas Keenan at Sterenberg Press, 2012), Forensic Architecture (dOCUMENTA13 notebook, 2012), The Least of All Possible Evils (Verso, 2011), Hollow Land (Verso, 2007), A Civilian Occupation (Verso, 2003), the series Territories 1, 2, and 3, Yellow Rhythms and many articles in journals, magazines, and edited books. He has worked with a variety of NGOs worldwide and was a member of the B’Tselem board of directors.