Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

Eric Ross in performance

September 27, 2018

Theremin Performance Tonight! + First FrIDeATe + Claudia Hart Lecture

Music from the Future in Kresge Theatre

Coming up this week is a chance to see some IDeATe faculty in performance, a student-led workshop in Fusion360 at First FrIDeATe, and the Steiner Lecture by artist Claudia Hart.

Tonight! Theremin Master Eric Ross and the ERA Ensemble

Eric Ross in performanceNever heard of a Theremin? It's one of the first electronic musical instruments and was invented by physicist Leon Theremin in 1920 based on his research in proximity sensors. You might have heard its eerie sounds in movies but you'll have the rare opportunity to hear one live in performance. School of Computer Science/IDeATe faculty Roger Dannenberg and School of Music faculty Ben Opie will join visiting performer Eric Ross for a special performance on Friday, September 28th at 7:30 p.m. in Kresge Theatre (CFA). Ross performs on guitar, piano, synthesizer, and is a Master of the Theremin. His compositions include elements of jazz, classic, serial, electronic, and avant garde. Projected during the performance are the videos of Mary Ross, which are organized, arranged, and edited to his music. This event is free and does not require tickets. For more information, visit

First FrIDeATe

First FrIDeATe flyerThe October edition of First FrIDeATe is Friday, October 5th at 4:30 p.m. in the IDeATe Fabrication Lab (Hunt Library A5). One of your fellow IDeATe students, Samantha Ho, is a Catalyst with Autodesk this year and has proposed a Fusion360 workshop. In addition to the standard FrIDeATe food and hanging out, Samantha will lead an overview of different uses for this software. Increasingly, both academia and industry are seeking people with “interdisciplinary skillsets” and “design” thinking. Unfortunately, because of this, these words vary in meaning depending on context. Join us on Friday to learn how to integrate human-centered problem solving with your existing toolkit and as well as how Autodesk software can help you do so. Bring your laptops! More info at

Steiner Lecture in Creative Inquiry: Claudia Hart

Image of work by Claudia Hart depicting yellow figures, one human, one animal, slumped on each otherWednesday, October 3rd at 5:00 p.m., artist, curator and critic Claudia Hart will give a lecture presentation at the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry (CFA 111). In her work, Hart integrates CGI virtual bodies and 3D environments into photography, animations, and multi-channel installations. More information is available at

Claudia Hart emerged as part of a generation of '90s intermedia artists in the “identity art” movement. She still examines identity, but updated through the scrim of technology. Her art considers issues of the body, perception, and nature collapsing into technology and then back again. Hart was an early adopter of virtual imaging, using 3D animation to make media installations and projections, then later as they were invented, other forms of VR, AR, and objects using computer-driven production machines, all based on the same computer models. At the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she developed a pedagogic program based on this concept – Experimental 3D – the first art-school curriculum dedicated solely to teaching simulation technologies in an art-world context. She is represented by Bitforms and Transfer galleries.