Welcome Back! + IDeATe's 5th Birthday Party + T-Shirts + RA Opportunity
Welcome Back!
We are so happy to have you back on campus and in the IDeATe labs! Lots to cover...

IDeATe's 5th Birthday Party + 2019-20 T-Shirt Design Challenge
IDeATe is 5 years old! To celebrate, we're having a special birthday celebration for our first FrIDeATe of the year on September 13th at 4:30 p.m. in Studio A (HL 106B). We'll have food and cake AND we'll be taking a look at YOUR design submissions for this year's IDeATe t-shirt. If you would like to enter a design, please send it to help@ideate.cmu.edu by September 12th! Event info also available on facebook.com/CMUIDeATe.
Wanted: Research Assistants to Help with Teacher Dashboard
An HCI project is developing a dashboard that shows teachers a summary of their own teaching behaviors so they can reflect on and improve their teaching. We are looking for research assistants that can help with the following:
- design data visualizations around classroom activities and around the effective use of discussion in science teaching
- implement these visualizations in javascript (D3 or P5)
- help design and execute an assessment, where we show teachers their own data and see how they make sense of it
- collaborate with our research partners in San Diego who will be collecting and coding the classroom data.
We are looking for students with experience (or at least interest) in any of the following:
- Interface design
- Information design
- Information visualization
- User studies
- Web development
- Learning science
We need students who can commit 9 to 12 hours per week to this project over the fall semester. Work can be done either for pay or for independent study credit (9 or 12 units). If you are interested, please send your resume and a short description of your relevant work and/or educational experience to Kiemute Oyibo. In addition, please go to https://doodle.com/poll/pesx3grbac87ny5e and indicate the times you are free each week for a team meeting.
Laser Cutter Updates + Training Session
Please take a moment to review the updated policy for laser cutter usage on resources.ideate.cmu.edu. All laser cutter users, even legacy users, must do all of the following:
- Complete a relevant course or training
- Complete fire extinguisher training
- Complete laser cutter safety training. New users are encouraged to attend Laser Cutter Safety Training on Wednesday, September 4th at 5 p.m. in the IDeATe Fabrication Lab (HL A5)
- Complete IDeATe-specific equipment safety training. is a 15 minute, class session taught by IDeATe staff and will be offered daily at 4:30: Tuesday, 9/4 - Thursday, 9/12. All classes will be held in IDeATe E-Fab, Hunt A5.
This new policy will allow all users who have met the four requirements above to use the IDeATe laser cutters whether or not IDeATe staff is in the room. However, they must have another person in the room with them. We are excited that this policy will allow more students to access the lasers for greater periods of time. If you have any questions, please email: help@ideate.cmu.edu.
Steiner Lecture: CGI Artist Alan Warburton
Alan Warburton is a British artist whose technologically articulate practice has involved the production of short films, prints, sculptures, 3D models, AR and VR experiences. He will deliver a Steiner Lecture on Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30 p.m. in the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry. More information is available at studioforcreativeinquiry.org.
IDeATe's New Offices + Desks to Grab
Over the summer, the IDeATe staff moved into the A9 space in Hunt Library, close to all of the IDeATe labs. As a result, we have some leftover furniture that we would be happy to see go to a good home. We have two BEKANT desks from Ikea. If you're interested, send us a note.