Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

Hands of a robotic puppet

November 13, 2019

Spring 2020 IDeATe Course Updates +Robotics for Creative Practice Show + Deeplocal Recruiting Session + Talks from Gyorgi Galik and Morgan Overton

Robotics for Creative Practice Show

Next Thursday, November 21st, at 5:30 p.m. in the IDeATe Media Lab (Hunt Library A10A), students from the IDeATe course Robotics for Creative Practice will showcase two robotic and kinetic sculptures that they have created.

This collaborative course brings art and engineering together into making performance machines which are surprisingly animate. It explores interdisciplinary practice at the intersection of drama, music, and robotics.  These works were developed within the general theme of the course: using expressive dynamic behavior as a creative medium. Event info is also availabel at

Spring 2020 IDeATe Course Updates

As Spring 2020 registration looms, just wanted to alert everyone to a few updates to the IDeATe course offerings that will (hopefully) be in place by the time you select your courses next week.


We have two new courses that will be added:

  • 99-362 IDeATe: Intelligent Learning Spaces. This course will meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. in the IDeATe Fabrication Lab and will be an option for the Design for Learning and Intelligent Environments areas.
  • 99-363 A3 IDeATe: Spatial Storytelling and GIS. This is a mini course that will meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9:30-10:20 a.m. in IDeATe Studio A and will be an option for the Media Design area.

Also, we will be running 57-344/60-407 Experimental Sound Synthesis on Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. in the IDeATe Media Lab.

Schedule Change

The new IDeATe portal course, 53-280 Designing Table Top Board Games, will be shifting to Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30-8:20 p.m. in IDeATe Studio A. Please make note of this when planning your schedule!

Deeplocal Info/Recruiting Session

This Friday, November 15th, at 5:00 p.m., Deeplocal will present an info session and recruiting event at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry (CFA 111). Deeplocal is an interdisciplinary group of creative engineers who invent interactive experiences to tell human stories. They're seeking interns and employees with experience in new media arts, interaction design, software development, mechatronics design, CAD and digital fabrication, advertising communications, and much more. Check out Deeplocal's latest reel of projects for a taste. If you'd like to attend, please RSVP.

Steiner Lecture in Creative Inquiry: Gyorgi Galik

This Thursday, November 14th at 5:00 p.m., designer/researcher/activist Gyorgyi Galik will present a lecture at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry (CFA 111) hosted jointly by the School of Design, Prof. Dan Lockton's Imaginaries Lab, and the STUDIO's Steiner Lecture Series in Creative Inquiry.
Gyorgi is completing her PhD at the Royal College of Art and works for the UK Design Council as a Lead Advisor for their Cities Program. Her talk will discuss her work involved in the climate crisis, research through design, agency with technology, civic engagement, creative approaches to citizen science, and the future of cities. For more information, visit is Native American Heritage Month. Dr. Alexa Woloshyn's North American Indigenous Music Seminar is hosting individuals from our local Indigenous community who will speak about and celebrate Native American cultures and diverse artistic practices. Join us on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30 p.m. in IDeATe Studio A for a talk and workshop with local Black Indigenous artist Morgan Overton. For more information, visit

Artist Talk and Workshop: Morgan Overton

November is Native American Heritage Month. Dr. Alexa Woloshyn's North American Indigenous Music Seminar is hosting individuals from our local Indigenous community who will speak about and celebrate Native American cultures and diverse artistic practices. Join us on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30 p.m. in IDeATe Studio A for a talk and workshop with local Black Indigenous artist Morgan Overton. For more information, visit

Innovation Roundtable 2019: How Information Fuels Innovation

Wednesday, November 20, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m., CUC Connan Room. Presented by Carnegie Mellon University Libraries and the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), the Innovation Roundtable brings together students, faculty, and researchers to discuss how the resources and services provided by these units fuel innovation, problem solving, and collaboration. 
The first panel discussion will feature Matthew Marsteller, Principal Librarian, and Shayan Gupta, a junior in the College of Engineering and CEO of Audition Technology, to discuss Marsteller’s patent searching consultation for Gupta’s start-up in preparation for the submission of a provisional patent last August.
For the second panel, Ritwik Gupta, Machine Learning Research Scientist at SEI, and Daniel Costa, Technical Team Lead, CERT Division, will interview students Nicholas Miller, Mary Grace Kozuch, and Sandra Sajeev about their experience in the SEI Internship Program, highlighting the opportunities and rewards students can earn through the program. Light refreshments will be available. Please register here.

IDeATe Equipment Training

IDeATe equipment-specific training is still available on Wednesdays at 4:30 in the IDeATe Fabrication Lab (HL A5). This 15-minute training grants laser cutting access to students who have completed all other requirements (relevant course or training, fire extinguisher training, online course in laser cutter safety). Get trained. Achieve lasers!

AlphaLab Gear 2020

AlphaLab Gear is a nationally-ranked hardware accelerator in Pittsburgh, PA. They guide early-stage physical product companies through a 30-week program that takes companies from an initial idea or prototype, through engaging early customers, to fulfilling demand by manufacturing at scale. Find out more and apply by 11:59pm on January 26, 2020 at