Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

"Information" sign in IDeATe Fabrication Lab

March 13, 2020

IDeATe Operations During COVID-19 Safety Measures

IDeATe Operations During COVID-19 Safety Measures

Below are the current measures that we are employing within IDeATe as the University responds to COVID-19. We are following the University's cues to initially exercise an overabundance of caution and are aligning with measures being taken by similar facilities on campus. As the overriding policies and the general situation shift, we will adjust and update. All of these measures come with an asterisk that anyone who feels that their circumstances are unique should send a note to and we will work with you to see what is doable.

Access to IDeATe Labs

We are operating under the assumption that students are either unable to be on campus or are following guidelines to stay away as much as possible. While faculty and staff will still have access to the IDeATe Labs, student access will be shut off for now. Studios A and B will still be accessible within the Library's reduced hours and we have adjusted the tables and chairs in the Studios so that they are more amenable to social distancing.

IDeATe Lending

IDeATe Lending is closed at least until Wednesday, March 18th. If IDeATe Lending reopens during the S20 semester, it will be under limited hours or by appointment. We will reach out to anyone who currently has checked out items in a few weeks to see what arrangements can reasonably be made for return.

You're Awesome

We very much appreciate everyone’s efforts and patience as we navigate this new reality together. The spirit from faculty and students has been one of cooperation and support and, frankly, it’s great to see. Please take care of yourselves.