Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

Gates building at dusk with Pausch bridge in foreground. Bridge is lit in green, blue, red pattern

February 26, 2021

Illuminate the Pausch Bridge + TartanHacks 2021

Just Added for Mini 4: 15-661/62-661 Interaction and Expression Using the Pausch Bridge Lighting

IDeATe students: this course will count toward the Media Design and Intelligent Environments areas.

For this mini-course, we'll explore the nature of light as art by creating new kinetic light displays for the Randy Pausch Memorial Bridge. We'll cover a few fundamentals of lighting design and interactive compositional tools. Students will work in cross-disciplinary teams to develop projects to show on the actual bridge. Groups can work with the commercial Pharos lighting system or use their own tools or code to compose compatible content. The final projects will be exhibited on the bridge and considered for the repertoire.

TartanHacks logo made in the style of early Mac OS graphics. Gray window that reads Thx! TartanHacks Version 10 March 5-7, 2021


TartanHacks, Pittsburgh’s largest hackathon, is coming up this March 5th to 7th! This is the 10th year of TartanHacks, so you know it’s going to be the best one yet! This year, our hackathon is bigger than ever, and we have amazing sponsors, workshops, and prizes planned. Even though TartanHacks will be virtual, we still have awesome swag to give out and raffles, events, and challenges for hackers to participate in. Our registration opened earlier today on, so make sure to check out and sign up as soon as you can! Also, make sure to RSVP to the Facebook event to stay up to date. If you have questions feel free to email
PS — follow the ScottyLabs Instagram @cmu.scottylabs if you want to receive hints that’ll give you an advantage in our challenges and events and the TartanHacks Twitter @tartanhacks to get continuous updates! We hope to see you there!

Apply for SURG/SURF

Applications are open for SURG/SURF proposals! These fellowships are open to all undergraduates interested in pursuing a research project and provide funding to cover supplies, materials, or time on laboratory equipment. Visit the Undergraduate Research Office for more information and to apply and attend the SURG/SURF Application Workshop on March 10, 4:30-5:30 pm EST (Zoom link / Meeting ID 967 4826 5037 / Passcode 612935)


LGBTQ+ Career Panel

Join CMUQ+ and PRISM for their LGBTQ+ Career Panel on March 11, 6:30-8:00 pm EST.They are excited to host six alumni who will talk about their experiences in the workforce as members of the LGBTQ+ community. Join the discussion to ask questions and learn from fellow Tartans. Register here to attend on Zoom. The Zoom link will be distributed to registrants on the day of the event.

Call for Applications: NSF REU Site on Immersive Media Computing

Georgia State University invites undergraduate students to join emerging and interdisciplinary research related to virtual reality/augmented reality, computer vision, video streaming, GPU rendering, parallel computing, and game development. There is full financial support for the selected participants. Visit GSU's REU site for more information and to apply. Early application date is March 15 and notifications will be sent out after April 1 on a rolling basis.


MoonRanger Project: Game Designers Wanted

MoonRanger is a student-led project with the ambitious goal of sending the first autonomous micro rover to the Moon in search of polar ice by 2022. Lunar ice is amongst the most valued resources in the solar system because it can serve as a viable source for drinking water, growing food, breathing oxygen, and creating rocket fuel. It is the key to enabling the human race to leap beyond the moon to deep space. This is an exciting, fast moving project that will deliver the rover to our lunar lander provider by the end of 2021 with a planned mission launch of December 2022.
Our current focus is on building, integrating and testing our proto-flight micro rover using a combination of off the shelf components and in house designs. In particular, the simulation team is using Unreal Engine and Gazebo to build a lunar environment and test autonomy software and surface operations. Students with game design experience will be a valuable asset! If you are excited about joining the team, register for 16-865, undergrads included. You can also fill out this form and the team leads will get reach out to you.

VR Developers and 3D Artists/Modelers Wanted for Student Start-Up

No company in the golf industry is currently taking advantage of virtual reality technology. This is why we want to create an unmatched virtual reality experience for golfers to "walk" and "practice" on championship golf courses that will result in their greater success and improvement. This is an opportunity to disrupt the current way golfers study the course, which is crucial especially in competitive play. We have gotten great traction after speaking with a few companies in the industry, and now I am looking for a team consisting of VR developers and 3D artists to help me create an initial proof of concept. Whether it be freelance work or you are interested in being part of a startup, please reach out to me at No golfing experience or knowledge is required!