Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

December 02, 2022

IDeATe Course Showcases + FrIDeATe Reminder

It's FrIDeATe!

FrIDeATe is today, December 2, 4:45pm in the IDeATe Collaborative Space (HL A5). We have secured more burritos. Now it is up to you to consume them! T-shirts have been delayed in production so we won't be able to distribute them in time for you to wear to your various holiday parties, but let's get together to celebrate the end of Fall 2022!

Creative Kinetic Systems and Robotics for Creative Practice Projects


Once you have collected your burrito, please stop by the Physical Computing and Media Labs to view projects from Garth Zeglin's courses, Creative Kinetic Systems and Robotics for Creative Practice. There will be many more opportunities to view final projects and performances from IDeATe in the next week so keep checking your inbox for deets!