Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

May 03, 2022

Meeting of the Minds + New Game Design Course + Mushroom Foraging

New Game Design Course for Fall!

Just added: 53-341 Distributed Game Studio: Game Art Pipeline. Learn to develop artwork for video games in a remote collaborative environment. Students in this course will work as an art studio and collaborate with students from Howard University to design and deliver video games.

IDeATe at Meeting of the Minds + Spooky Technologies

meeting-of-the-minds-2022.pngJoin students from IDeATe at Meeting of the Minds tomorrow, May 4, 10am-4pm in the CUC Connan Room. On display will be work from our courses in Expanded Animation, Exploded Ensemble, Activated Anamorphs, Learning in Museums, Intro to Physical Computing, and Inflatables. Also on May 4, 3-5:30pm, students from the Responsive Mobile Environments course will exhibit their Spooky Technologies projects in Margaret Morison 127.

Mushroom Foraging with IDeATe


Need to unwind from finals? Are you interested in morel mushrooms?

Come to the IDeATe mushroom walk next door to Hunt Library in Schenley Park on Monday, May 9 at 3pm! Mushroom enthusiast and IDeATe Technical Specialist, Cody Soska, will be leading a walk through the park where we will talk about spring mushrooms, tree-identification, and look for the coveted Great Morel. Please dress accordingly as this will happen rain or shine. We will be going off trail if we see any promising leads. Pictures provided by Cody's spring harvest so far.

Automating Art: The good & bad of technology in art making

event-image.jpegJoin City of Asylum on May 3 at 7pm for a lively cross-disciplinary conversation that questions the rising influence of AI and autonomy on the art world. Experts from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon, including Garth Zeglin, will explore the intersection of technology and creative practices like CGI & autotune, and debate their impacts on music, art, and literature. The panel will also address the future potential of autonomy in art, and whether human artists are at risk of being replaced by computers. 

Student Concert: Audiovisual Composition

On May 4 at 8pm in the Kresge Theatre, hear from the Audiovisual Composition students, Blaine Black, James O’Malley Gorbea, Inbar Hagai, James Merrill, Gloria Mwarage, and Will Rinkoff. This event is free and open to the public.