Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

September 21, 2023

TechSpark Flea Market + IDeATers Doing Cool Stuff

TechSpark Flea Market

flea-market-crop.pngOur buddies in TechSpark will be hosting a flea market on September 22, 2:30-6:30pm. Clothes, tools, home goods, electronics, movies…let’s move that stuff. If you are interested in selling during the event, please email Justin Harvill ( to sign up.

IDeATers Doing Cool Stuff

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If you’ve been around IDeATe at all, you’ve probably run into one or more members of the Game Creation Society. Andy Jiang (above) is the president of GCS and was recently featured on for his work creating an interactive, online archive of the stories shared by villagers near Chiang Mai, an area of Thailand that is being quickly transformed by globalization.

Meanwhile, SCS/IDeATe professor David Touretzky recently discussed his work with AI4K12, an initiative that he founded to develop guidelines and resources for teaching AI to K-12 students.