Carnegie Mellon University

Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

May 07, 2018

Help Us Form an IDeATe Events Committee + IDeATe Showcase at Meeting of the Minds

A number of students and faculty have recommended that IDeATe host some regular get-togethers that would strengthen our community. It's a fantastic idea and one that would strongly benefit from student input. IDeATe would like to assemble a team of students who, with the support of the staff, will propose, organize, and promote a small number of events throughout the academic year. If you are interested, please contact Kelly Delaney.

Meeting of the Minds banner 2018Meeting of the Minds is this Wednesday, May 9th! IDeATe will have a showcase space in the Studio Theater in the Cohon University Center from 12:00 to 2:30 p.m. Projects from many Spring 2018 IDeATe classes will be on display, including Game Design, Prototyping, and Production, Storytelling with Machines, Rapid Prototype Design, 360 Story and Sound, Advanced Game Studio, Computer Music Systems, and Reality Computing.

There are a few more IDeATe courses holding final presentations this week. On Tuesday, May 8th, Making Things Interactive will show their final projects 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. in the IDeATe Physical Computing Lab (HL A10). In IDeATe Studio A (HL 106B) from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m., Information Design will display their culminating work based on research and visual design explorations that they have been developing all semester in the domains of voting, home-buying, childcare, diabetes health, and elder-care. In the IDeATe Media Lab (HL A10A), 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Responsive Mobile Environments will present "Museum of Future Memories." Projects from this class speculate and critically reflect on the relationship of technology and human memory by making future histories. Times and locations are listed on the sidebar and at

The Perryman Scholarship offers funding of up to $25,000 per year. Interested? Contact Stephanie Wallach to get started on an application. Note! Applications are due on May 15, 2018!

The Horizons Fellowship is a summer opportunity that supports outstanding undergraduate and graduate students (of any year) in their pursuit to combine technology into their existing course of study. The Fellowship gives students the ability to learn about real-world technology and build advanced software products. Interested students can apply at